Web3 Integration

DePinSim is not just a mobile connectivity solution; it's a gateway to the decentralized web. Built on the TON blockchain, it is engineered to seamlessly integrate with the Web3 ecosystem, facilitating a new level of interaction between mobile networks and blockchain technology. This integration is pivotal for users who are increasingly engaging with decentralized applications (DApps), smart contracts, and cryptocurrency transactions.

eSIM phone number as wallet address

Users can utilize their eSIM numbers as unique blockchain wallet addresses. This direct integration allows for smooth, secure crypto transactions and interactions with various DApps without the need for additional apps or interfaces. It simplifies the user experience by merging telecom services with crypto wallets, making DePinSim a single point of access for both communication and financial transactions. Our eSIM cards come with built-in wallets supporting major blockchains like TON/ EVM and Solana.

Enhanced Security and Privacy

DePinSim enhances the security and privacy of users’ data and transactions. Blockchain's inherent characteristics of decentralization and encryption mean that users' information and activity are protected against common vulnerabilities found in traditional mobile networks.

Interoperability Across Chains

DePinSim is built on the TON blockchain, it is designed for interoperability across various blockchain networks. This flexibility ensures that users can interact with multiple cryptocurrencies and blockchain services effortlessly, making DePinSim a versatile tool for those involved in the multi-chain ecosystem.


Each user's eSIM is linked to a decentralized identity that they control entirely. This DID acts as the user's digital footprint within the blockchain, allowing them to manage their personal data, transactions, and interactions with a high degree of privacy and security.

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